Apple launched a new line of iPhones Tuesday at its annual fall launch event. The iPhone 12 features an improved camera, speaker and processor. The iPhone 12 Pro has an even more advanced camera and imaging system. A new i-Pad and Apple Watch also debuted. Apple Arcade will be available, and Apple TV+ will launch for $4.99 per month — undercutting streaming rivals Netflix, Disney and Amaz on Prime. CNBC reports that the real test for Apple will be getting consumers to buy the products over the next several months.
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Tuesday, September 10, 2019
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Apple launched a new line of iPhones Tuesday at its annual fall launch event. The iPhone 12 features an improved camera, speaker and processor. The iPhone 12 Pro has an even more advanced camera and imaging system. A new i-Pad and Apple Watch also debuted. Apple Arcade will be available, and Apple TV+ will launch for $4.99 per month — undercutting streaming rivals Netflix, Disney and Amaz on Prime. CNBC reports that the real test for Apple will be getting consumers to buy the products over the next several months.
Apple launched a new line of iPhones Tuesday at its annual fall launch event. The iPhone 12 features an improved camera, speaker and processor. The iPhone 12 Pro has an even more advanced camera and imaging system. A new i-Pad and Apple Watch also debuted. Apple Arcade will be available, and Apple TV+ will launch for $4.99 per month — undercutting streaming rivals Netflix, Disney and Amaz on Prime. CNBC reports that the real test for Apple will be getting consumers to buy the products over the next several months.
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