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Tuesday, July 7, 2020

SHOPIFY INTERNATIONAL - You Can Now Start Your Business Any Place In the World!

Remember how difficult it used to be to get on the ground floor of anywhere? It almost seemed impossible for many, but now it's more easier than ever to get your passive income businesses started right from where you are sitting in almost every country! 

This where technology really can be used for your benefit and for the benefit of humanity.

Here are the 35 countries where Shopify is doing incredibly well for entrepreneurs from all different languages and from all different backgrounds.

What are you waiting for? Let us help you to become exactly the person you are meant to be.

Let's get started.







  1. Replies
    1. You're welcome, Leavemytime. I just updated it by adding more countries. I hope it helps to get the wheels turning for someone. No excuses. Pandemic. Epidemic or whatever, someone has an idea of how to create not only great things for themselves but be dedicated to helping humanity in some small or even huge way. I am for that. I love to help. I love to see people succeed in life. I love to see people who are blessed and can make those blessings count for others. Like the saying goes, 'I'm just the messenger' but I am glad for those who 'Get it!'


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